Kamis, 22 April 2010


Biography for

Date of Birth
16 September 1992, Dallas, Texas, USA

Birth Name
Nicholas Jerry Jonas

Nick J.

5' 9" (1.75 m)

Trade Mark

His curly hair.

His dark brown eyes


His favorite baseball team is the New York Yankees.

His favorite sport is baseball.

His favorite actors are Matt Long and Keri Lynn Pratt, who both star in "Jack & Bobby" (2004).

He has type 1 diabetes (diaganosed in 2005 while on tour).

He uses The Bayer Contour Meter for his Type 1 diabetes.

Born in Dallas, Texas, grew up in Wyckoff, New Jersey, and now resides in Los Angeles.

His band The Jonas Brothers have had over 7 music videos on TV, but have made over 14 music videos for their songs.

Started on Broadway and once missed a family vacation to be in a play.

Was doing a solo project until his agent discovered his brothers (Kevin and Joe) had talent also.

Got discovered singing, while getting his haircut.

Brothers include Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas, and Frankie Jonas.

His favorite science subject is geology.

His favorite school subject is spelling.

His favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.

His favorite baseball player is Derek Jeter.

His favorite football team is the Dallas Cowboys.

He plays the electric and acoustic guitar, piano, and the drums.

He collects baseball cards.

Had a dog named Cocco. Has a dog called Elvis.

Some of his hobbies includes playing baseball and golf, collecting baseball cards, tennis, songwriting and music.

His favorite movie is Juno (2007) and his favorite song is "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder.

He owns 16 guitars.

His favorite musicians are Stevie Wonder, Fall Out Boy, Johnny Cash, Elvis Costello, and Switchfoot.

His favorite song to play in concert is A Little Bit Longer.

Was discovered at the age of 6.

Received a dog for his 16th birthday, whom he names Elvis.

Broke up with his girlfriend of a year and a half, Miley Cyrus [Late 2007].

Personal Quotes

It doesn't matter if the world is pulling you down. With Christ you have everything.

Live like you're at the bottom even if your at the top.

Im pretty crazy about the Yankees. When I can't actually watch a game, i TiVo it. I am also a die-hard Dallas Cowboys fan. I don't tell many people that because I will get made fun on because I'm from New Jersey!

The good thing about Joe is that he's the craziest person I've ever met in my life. And the worst thing about Joe is that he's the craziest person I've ever met in my life. Kevin is really good at staying focused on guitar. But there's nothing really bad about Kevin.

On all the tours we've done, we've gone from school in the morning to radio, we go to lunch with someone that's important, then go do a show, do a singing, go to bed. It never stops

You've got to avoid situations that make you uncomfortable.

It sounds funny, but my biggest fear is that I'm not perfect. I'm a perfectionist, and I get upset when things go wrong or when I don't do well. I used to be very uptight, but I've learned to loosen up

Where Are They Now

(September 2007) On tour across the country with his band

(February 2008) On the "When You Look Me in The Eyes" tour with his brothers

(April 2008) On tour with Avril Lavigne in Europe

(July 2008) In Toronto getting ready for their Burnin' Up tour.

(August 2008) On "Burning Up" tour with special guest Demi Lovato.

(May 2009) On World Tour in South America with special guest Demi Lovato.

(June 2009) On World Tour with special guest Honor Society and Jordin Sparks.

love nick jonas somuchh <3<3<3>

Senin, 19 April 2010

hanya mengucapkan byebye untuk sementara bukan selamanya

okeeeeeey gue udah cerita banyak kan tuh selama sehari wkwkw kapan2 anecerita lagi dah yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa byeeeee (sokasikgitupakesalamperpisahankayakgakakanngepostlagigitu-_-)

editanku tentang merekaaaaaa

ini dianihhh :
iniiiii jengjeng ini muka asli kitaaaaaaa wk gokil :'D kangeeeen unyu

ini waktu ditraktir egii dalam rangka egi jadiaaan eh salah deng waktu egi ultah wkwk

ini waktu ngumpul di kantin looow ada foto kita masin2 gitcu di kotak ono (kalo ngerti lanjut ajaya susah jelasinnya gue juga-_-)

and the last yg iniiii susunan pertama kali kenal dan deket. gue ama echa, lia ama egi (kl dia udh kenal dr tk), ninis ama cicaaaaaa paling parah nih, gue sok2an pake b.ing tp amburadul malu abis-_-

seruuu banget deh dulu adoooh parah

momen bahagia aku bersama mereka (ea-_-) part 2

ini waktu cica ultaaaah

kalo ini kk gue yg editin loooh wk

yg ini pernah gue masukin kayaknya yaa

sayang mereka banget pokoknya

foto2 momen diriku bahagia bersama mereka (ea-_-) part 1

ini nih foto2 momen bahagia giduuu pengen bgt ngumpul lagiii

gaje zzz

halo lg pengen ngepost tp gaktau mau cerita apa hehe. cerita kelas ajadeh yaaa
gue kepisah di 8.1 ama temen2 gue yang lain. lia ama cica ada di 8.4 reghina di 8.5 ninis ama echa di 8.2 huhu coba gue ama egi sekelas bisa pas tuh dua2. waktu egi udah hampir masuk kelas gue sayangnyaaaaaaa tuh dia udah dimasukin di 8.5 dan gakbisa buat dipindah lagi. gue dikelas sering cengo sendirian walopun gak jarang juga sering bercanda2 gt ama cinta dan fitra tapi. setiap istirahat pasti gue langsung cabut ke 8.2 karena temen2 gue ya disitu. terus entar cica ama lia juga suka dateng gitu ngumpul, pokoknya kalo disekolah tuh yang seru ya pas istirahat,sebelum masuk sama pas pulang. itu waktu gue ngumpul ama temen2 wkwkwk
hem cuma sekarang kita jarang bgt buat ngumpul lagi terutama egi. dia sibuk gt di kelasnya. gue kangen banget ngumpul gue huahuhuahuhauha. setiap ada rencana mau ngumpul selalu gakjadi atau pasti ada yg gakbisa dan cuma ber4 gt mulu. padahal udah dibicarain mateng mateng tetep aja -_- hhhh berharap bgt bisa ngumpul lagi ini lagi direncanain buat ngumpul doain jadi yaaaaaaa
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3